Saturday, September 15, 2007

9/5 Shandong University/ Jinan

Some of the Chinese students came to Jinan from their University to spend time with us today. It was exciting because we understood that they don't come to Jinan often (since the commute is 40min) and it was our first opportunity to get to know each other. It was challenging because we had to communicate all day and only one of the Chinese students (Jessica) spoke English. Thankfully the few phrases we learned and some charades got us through. We hiked the Thousand Buddha mountain which was surprisingly close to the old university where we stayed. There was a giant gold Buddha statue at the top. It was quite the site to see a huge Buddha and forest in one direction and the expensive city scape on the other. By the end of the day we all felt more comfortable together. I know I am more excited to get to know the students after a day like this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Imagine:
Did you happen to get a photograph of the Gold Buddha?
Would like to see that...